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BDAI 2021 | Virtual Conference

BDAI 2021 | Virtual Conference | July 02-04, 2021
BDAI2021 held successfully in virtual form during July 2-4, 2021! | 第四届大数据与人工智能国际会议于2021年7月2-4日通过在线会议的方式成功召开!

Special Group Photo 

Conference Proceedings

BDAI2021 Conference Proceedings - Cover

Papers of BDAI2021 are indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus!  


Photo Gallery

On Jul. 3, Conference Chair - Prof. Sheng-Uei Guan from Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China made an opening remarks. And Prof. Gaige Wang from Ocean University of China, China served as host of the keynote session.


On keynote speeches session, Prof. Mengchu Zhou, Prof. Xin Yao and Prof. Yuhui Shi etc delivered excellent speeches.
在7月4日举行的大会报告环节有来自国内外3位业界知名专家教授就大数据与人工智能的现状及发展做了精彩的主题报告。他们分别是 周孟初教授, 美国新泽西理工学院 IEEE FELLOW; 姚新教授, 南方科技大学 & 英国伯明翰大学 IEEE FELLOW; 史玉回教授, 南方科技大学 IEEE FELLOW。


Best Oral Presentation Awards 

Session 1 - (AT21-504) Apply Artificial Neural Network to Solving Manpower Scheduling Problem
Tianyu Liu, Zhejiang University, China 

Session 2 - (AT21-537) Attention-Based Octave Dense Network for Hyperspectral Image Denoising
Ziwen Kan, Sichuan University, China 

Session 3 - (AT21-535) Significant Wave Height Prediction based on Wavelet Graph Neural Network
Delong Chen, Hohai University, China 

Session 4 - (AT21-502) Grid Cell as Interface Representation Between Animal Brains and Artificial Neural Networks
Li Songlin, Tsinghua University, China 

Session 5 - (AT21-512) A hybrid Large Neighborhood Search for solving the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Routing Problem with Multi-depot
Lu Zhang, Chang’an University, China 

Session 6 - (AT21-510) An Encoder-decoder Architecture with Graph Convolutional Networks for Abstractive Summarization
QiAo Yuan, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China